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Real Estate Blog

Common Disputes in Residential and Commercial Construction

2/23/2017 | Real Estate Blog

As soon as initial plans have been drawn up — and well before construction begins — it’s important for all involved parties to pay close attention to potential “cracks” and “fault lines” in the ongoing negotiations that could lead to a significant dispute later on.  Of course, not all disputes can be predicted.  There is an basic level of uncertainty that accompanies all residential and commercial construction projects. Whatever your position relative to the construction project (contractor, developer, purchaser, etc.), […]

Financing Your Next Commercial Real Estate Venture

2/21/2017 | Real Estate Blog

Commercial real estate financing can be particularly complicated and high-stakes when compared to other forms of borrowing — in part because the loan amounts are likely to be quite significant, and in part because commercial financing loans are secured by the potentially income-earning real estate itself (or related assets).  As such, developers and other borrowers are best served by keeping apprised of the potential issues and exercising caution as they approach the commercial real estate financing process. If you’re preparing […]

Five Things That Could Impact Real Estate Developers in Philadelphia County

2/16/2017 | Real Estate Blog

If you are a real estate developer or other interested party in Philadelphia County, there are a number of unique programs and zoning regulations that are likely to have an impact on your current/future projects in the county — some positive (i.e., grants, reimbursements, etc.), others negative (i.e., forced community outreach, increased administrative overhead, etc.). The following is a non-exhaustive list of high-impact regulations in Philadelphia County affecting real estate developers.  As a developer, it’s critical that you remain apprised […]

Montgomery County Real Estate Lawyer Highlights Federal, State and Local Laws That Might Apply to Your Next Real Estate Transaction

1/27/2017 | Real Estate Blog

Depending on your point of view, the myriad of federal, state and local laws impacting a single real estate transaction is either an unnecessary hindrance adding to the cost of the transaction on all sides, or needed protections for all parties, the environment and society in general. From consumer protection to environmental protection to zoning, all branches of government want to have a say in your deal. Our Montgomery County real estate lawyer highlights some of the laws below. Federal […]

Things to consider before investing in real estate

11/17/2016 | Real Estate Blog

People who are thinking about investing in a piece of commercial property in Philadelphia should consider the purchase carefully. Though commercial real estate can be highly profitable, there are risks with every purchase. The value of commercial real estate can fluctuate with changes in the economy, so it is important to assess the economic trends in each market.