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The gift of professional estate administration

9/17/2015 | Kaplin Stewart Blog

For many Pennsylvania residents, an important part of the estate planning process involves determining who will serve as the executor of one’s will. However, in many cases this is a determination that is likely to lead to a great deal of stress for the individual tasked with that role. It is worth considering whether obtaining professional estate administration services is a good fit for your family’s particular needs.

An estate administrator will assume most of the tasks for which an executor would have been responsible. This includes calling a meeting to read over the will, as well as answering any questions that loved ones may have as to the reasoning behind the distribution of assets. An administrator is emotionally detached from that process and can provide answers that are based in fact, not emotion.

As a contrast, imagine your loved one standing before gathered heirs and trying to conduct an objective reading of the will. He or she is already dealing with an emotional reaction to the loss and is now asked to answer for estate planning decisions that he or she did not make. When loved ones have questions that the executor cannot properly answer, the result can be a high degree of animosity among heirs and a great deal of stress for the executor.

Professional estate administration is in many ways a gift that an individual can give to his or her loved ones at a time when such a thoughtful act is needed the most. Allowing all of one’s heirs to have access to a trusted professional can help them to understand the details of their inheritance and can give them a valuable resource when questions or concerns arise. It is well worth consideration for many Pennsylvania residents.

Source:, “How to take the stress out of estate planning“, Brian Vnak, Sept. 2, 2015