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Monthly Archives: November 2014

Canadians buying U.S. commercial real estate at record rate

11/24/2014 | Real Estate Blog

The purchase of a Manhattan skyscraper by an American-Canadian partnership may be the capstone for a record year of Canadian investment in U.S. commercial properties. Reuters reports that Canadian investors purchased more than $8 billion worth of commercial real estate south of its border in the first three quarters of 2014, putting the country on target to beat last year’s record of $11.86 billion in purchases.

Revel back on the block when Brookfield pulls out

11/21/2014 | Real Estate Blog

Developer Glenn Straub may have much to be thankful for this holiday season: His company is next in line to purchase Atlantic City’s Revel casino. Revel AC Inc. sought bankruptcy protection in June. The casino closed on Sept. 2, and less than a month later, a bankruptcy auction ended with Brookfield US Holdings LLC winning the property. Straub objected to the sale, complaining that Revel’s representatives were not open and honest in their negotiations with prospective buyers.

Now, where was I … oh, yeah, estate planning

11/20/2014 | Kaplin Stewart Blog

We cannot think of a single person we know who is perfectly calm at the holidays. Look around, wander through Center City and watch how people move. We wager they all have a lot on their minds and are feeling pressured to get everything done in time. Busy lives get a little frantic this time of year. It’s the joy of the season. When you think about it, then, the holidays may not be the best time to sit down […]


11/18/2014 | Construction Blog

Because of the work of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the CDC, and other construction work groups, many in the construction industry are now aware that prolonged and a high volume exposure to silica based products can cause life threatening diseases. These research and educational efforts have resulted in a better understanding of the threat, lead to better strategies to manage it, and resulted in safety protocols being utilized to protect workers.